Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Chicago People’s Thanksgiving a Big Success

By staff

Event helps Build Fight Back! Newspaper

SK Strikers with Armando Robles of the Republic Windows and Doors workers SK Strikers with Armando Robles of the Republic Windows and Doors workers SK Strikers with Armando Robles (3rd from left) of the Republic Windows and Doors workers. \(Fight Back! News/Ben Seese\)

Chicago, IL – A full house of supporters of Fight Back! newspaper chanted, talked and raised over $1500 Dec. 5 at the 18th Annual People’s Thanksgiving in Chicago.

Honored guests included Stan ‘Kwame’ Willis of Black People Against Police Torture. He spoke about the struggle against Mayor Daley’s bid for the 2016 Olympics. Students for Justice in Palestine, many of whom shut down the speech by war criminal and former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert at the University of Chicago this fall, came from several colleges and universities.

Victorious strikers from University of Illinois-Urbana Graduate Employees Organization and members of Teamsters Local 743 from SK Hand Tools in Chicago rounded out the night. The SK Strikers were introduced by Armando Robles of the Republic Windows and Doors workers. Robles said, “One year ago tonight I stood in this room on the day we occupied our factory. Tonight we are honoring these fighters who continue making history.”

#ChicagoIL #PeoplesThanksgiving #FightBack

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