Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

tracy molm

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Tracy Molm

Fight Back News Service is circulation the following speech given by Tracy Molm at Freedom Road Socialist Organization’s online International Women’s Day event.


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South Florida panel discussion denouncing U.S. coup attempts in Venezuela.

Fort Lauderdale, FL- 70 members of the South Florida community, some travelling up to three hours, from places as far away as Sarasota, gathered inside the Unitarian Universalist Church of Fort Lauderdale to hear award-winning journalist and author Max Blumenthal share the history and implications of the failed U.S. coups against Venezuela. Camilo Mejia of Veterans for Peace and Tracy Molm of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization joined Blumenthal in an illuminating and engaging panel discussion organized by the Hands off Venezuela Coalition.


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Cleveland, OH – Speaking at the July 18 anti-Trump protest at the Republican National Convention, Tracy Molm, a leader of the Committee to Stop FBI Repression, told the nearly 1000 people assembled at the rally about the need to build the fight to get justice for Palestinian American leader Rasmea Odeh.


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_Serious FBI violation of civil rights _

Boxes of material that the FBI seized from their homes, copied, and returned.

Minneapolis, MN – The FBI says they have finished copying the political material and personal papers seized in the Sept. 24, 2010 raids on the homes of Twin Cities anti-war and international solidarity activists. On the afternoon of Nov. 1, FBI agents delivered the last batch of notebooks, family photos, membership lists for anti-war and several other groups, computer backup discs and political documents to the office of attorney Bruce Nestor. The FBI has been returning batches of the copied material seized in the September 24, 2010 raids over the last several weeks.


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Thousands of people defended Occupy Wall Street encampment on Oct 14

New York, NY – Organizers at Occupy Wall Street are claiming victory this morning, Oct. 14, as City Hall backed down on its threat to clear out Zuccotti Park, supposedly for ‘cleaning.’ Zuccotti Park is the center of the protest movement. More than 7000 protesters, many with brooms and scrub brushes, packed Zuccotti Park to overflowing at 6:00 a.m. for the general assembly. An announcement was then made that Mayor Bloomberg backed down on his threats and a cheer rose up through the crowd as news spread from person to person that protesters would stay in the park.


By David Hoskins

Demonstrators march to National Air and Space Museum to protest military drones

Washington, DC – Protesters converged on Washington, D.C. the weekend of Oct. 8-9. Events organized by October 2011/Stop the Machine and Occupy D.C. were held at Freedom Plaza and McPherson Square. Thousands marched and rallied over the weekend to demand good jobs for all, an end to war and occupation in Afghanistan and Iraq and increased taxes on the rich.


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Preparing signs for anti war march

Minneapolis, MN – Responding to President Obama’s June 22 national televised speech on Afghanistan, Meredith Aby of the Twin Cites based Anti War Committee stated, “The U.S. needs to get out of Afghanistan now.” Aby was one of the main organizers of the massive anti-war march on the opening day of the 2008 Republican National Convention and she is one of the 23 peace and international solidarity activists who have been subpoenaed to appear in front of the Chicago grand jury investigating ‘material support for terrorism.’ The grand jury, headed by U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, is attempting to criminalize anti-war activism.


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Minneapolis, MN – More than 50 people came together here March 8 to celebrate International Women’s Day. The event was sponsored by Freedom Road Socialist Organization and featured women who are in the forefront of the fight against repression and reaction.


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Washington D.C. – On Dec. 8 and 9, Tracy Molm was in the offices of Congress people and Senators in Washington. She was joined by a contingent of supporters, including Phyllis Walker, the president of American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local 3800, Tracy’s employer.


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_Local supporters join efforts of communities across the nation to fight the repressive subpoenas _

Protesters line street in front of Senator Klobuchar’s Office.

Minneapolis, MN – About 100 protesters came together outside U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar's office here, Dec. 2, in response to news that three Twin Cities anti-war and social justice activists will be getting new orders to appear before a federal Grand Jury in Chicago, Illinois. The orders to appear carry the possibility of the activists facing jail time for contempt if they refuse to participate in the politically-motivated Grand Jury proceedings. Those Grand Jury proceedings could put them and their political allies throughout the United States and in other countries at risk of further governmental harassment and violence.


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Flyer for MN Committee to Stop FBI Repression action

Activists in cities across the U.S. are planning for events and protests during the week of Nov. 29-Dec. 3 to stop the Grand Jury witch hunt against anti-war and international solidarity organizers.


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Sarah, Anh and Tracy have done nothing wrong. We cannot let them go to jail for us

Tracy Molm speaking at November 18 press conference

Minneapolis, MN – About 40 people gathered at the Federal Building here, Nov. 18 for a press conference and picket in response to moves by Illinois U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald to bring three Twin Cites anti-war and international solidarity activists – Tracy Molm, Anh Pham and Sarah Martin – before a grand jury.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – Three well-known Twin Cities anti-war and international solidarity activists, Tracy Molm, Anh Pham, and Sarah Martin have received word from the U.S. Attorney’s Office that that they will be called to appear in front of a Chicago Grand Jury.