Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

International Teamster President James P. Hoffa is in trouble. He is discredited because of his lies and his complete inability to deliver for rank-and-file Teamsters. During his last run for president of the union, Hoffa claimed that he would not raise union dues. Hoffa lied. After he won he said he had to raise dues to negotiate strong contracts. His slogan was, “Five cents an hour for Teamster power.”


By staff

Chicago, IL – It wasn’t the usual lunch hour. Everyone that walked past the University of Chicago administration building saw it. Students, community activists, members of SEIU (Service Employees International Union) Local 73, the Illinois Nurses Association and the Teamsters Local 743 marching together, all united to fight for reform Teamster, Richard Berg.


By Fight Back! Editors

Richard Berg, a rank-and-file leader in Teamsters Local 743 has been fired. Fight Back! received a copy of an open letter that’s being circulated by Berg that calls for a protest on Jan. 11. The letter is reprinted below.


By staff

Chicago, IL – As Fight Back! goes to press, the gangsters in Teamsters Local 743 have succeeded in stealing another election. When votes were counted on Dec. 4, the old guard emerged with 1,651 votes. 1,257 votes went to the opposition 743 New Leadership Slate.


By staff

Chicago, IL – When rank-and-file members of Teamsters Local 743 arrived at the door of their union hall at 9:00 a.m., Oct. 16, they were forced to stand outside in the cold. Rogelio Garcia, Elizabeth Michaca and Josefina Mendez were denied entrance into the building that is paid for with their dues money. They had come to watch the ballot count in their union officers’ election.


By staff

Chicago, IL – The officers’ election in Local 743 was held once this fall. Now it’s being held again.


By staff

Chicago, IL – Rank and file union members of Teamsters Local 743 say the corrupt officials of their union are stealing the election for local officers.


By staff

Immigrant workers again being denied right to vote by union officials

Chicago, IL – Rank-and-file workers will rally Oct. 7 to stop an attempt by the corrupt leaders of Teamsters Local 743 to steal the election for union officers. The rally will take place at Teamster City, 300 S Ashland at 4:30 p.m.


By staff

Chicago, IL – Workers laid off from their jobs at a Bedford Park factory are continuing their fight to win fair compensation. 175 former employees of the Silver Capital Corporation have picketed, held a one-day strike and even rallied outside the union offices for their cause. On Sept. 15, 35 workers went to the National Labor Relations Board and filed charges against the sell-out leadership of Teamster Local 743.


By staff

Chicago, IL – At 6:30 in the morning on Thursday, Aug. 5, over one hundred workers went to work at the Frederick Cooper lamp factory. For 80 of them, it was the end of their week, because the company had cut out work on Friday. This reduced the workers’ income by 20% – one dollar out of five.