Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Fight Back! interviews Jeff Westberry, who recently traveled to Cuba to participated in Fourth International Seminar of the World Peace Council.


By staff

The Syrian Arab News Agency reported Dec. 26 that Cuba is ready to meet Syria’s needs for medicine.


By Kait McIntyre

Havana, Cuba – Nov. 24 was the second day of the fourth International Seminar for Peace and Abolition of Foreign Military Bases, held in Guantanamo Province. There were several presentations made by select delegates as well as group discussion.


By Kait McIntyre

Havana, Cuba – After a two-day bus trip from Havana to Guantanamo Province, delegates from around the world arrived for the fourth International Seminar for Peace and Abolition of Foreign Military Bases. The bus trip included several stops in various cities and provinces, including the Che Guevara memorial. It is clear the Cuban people are proud of their country and the many accomplishments the revolution has achieved in spite of the U.S. blockade.


By Redacción

Los Cinco Héroes cubanos hablan en la Universidad de El Salvador el 21 de julio

San Salvador, El Salvador – Los Cinco Héroes cubanos pasaron más de una década en las cárceles de los Estados Unidos, arrestados por el gobierno estadounidense a finales de los años 1990 por haber monitoreado grupos anticomunistas cubanos basados en Miami, Florida quienes han planificado actividades terroristas en contra de Cuba socialista. Los cinco recientemente ganaron su libertad de las cárceles de los Estados Unidos debido a una campaña mundial exigiendo su libertad. Regresaron a Cuba como héroes, todavía firmes en su dedicación a la revolución cubana. La decision del gobierno estadounidense para liberarlos fue uno de los primeros pasos en la restauración de las relaciones diplomáticas entre Cuba y los Estados Unidos.

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By staff

Cuban 5 speak at University of El Salvador July 21.

San Salvador, El Salvador – The Cuban 5 spent well over a decade in U.S. prisons, arrested by the U.S. government in the late 1990s for monitoring anti-communist Cuban groups based in Miami, Florida that have planned terror activities against socialist Cuba. The five were recently released from U.S. prisons in the face of a worldwide movement demanding their freedom. They returned to a heroes welcome in Cuba, unbroken and firm in their dedication to the Cuban revolution. Their release by the U.S. government was an early move in the renewing of diplomatic relations between Cuba and the U.S.


By Fidel Castro

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following commentary by Fidel Castro, which was published by Granma, May 7. In commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the Great Patriotic War, the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution expresses his profound admiration for the heroic soviet people who provided an enormous service to humanity


By Richard Blake

Lead banner at May 1 march in Havana.

Havana, Cuba – On May 1, hundreds of thousands of Cuban workers marched through Revolution Square to mark International Workers’ Day. Marchers at the front carried the banner bearing the words of the Cuban Workers Federation (CTC) declaration at their most recent Congress: “United in the construction of socialism.”


By Sarah Martin

Sharon Rice Vaughan

Minneapolis, MN – Sharon Rice Vaughan, a longtime and respected member of Women Against Military Madness (WAMM) and the Twin Cities peace and justice movements, died in a car crash in Havana, Cuba on March 24. Her sudden and untimely death leaves a big hole in our community.


By Fight Back! Editors

We celebrate the release of the Cuban Five – political prisoners held by the U.S. government for 16 years. Their freedom also marks a positive change in relations between the U.S. government and Cuba. Many anti-war and international solidarity activists who worked towards their release are raising their glasses to toast this victory!