Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Car caravan to oppose U.S blockade on Cuba.

Minneapolis, MN – The Solidarity Committee on the Americas (SCOTA) and the Minnesota Cuba Committee held their second rally and car caravan, September 26, demanding the end to the blockade against Cuba. The protest was part of a growing movement which started in Miami and has spread to many cities across the country and around the world.


By staff

Protest against U.S. blockade on Cuba.

Miami, FL – In the morning hours of Sunday, September 26, roughly 60 protesters gathered outside of Miami City Hall as part of a National Day of Action to demand President Biden end the decades-long blockade of Cuba. The national call was put out by the Cuban solidarity organization Puentes de Amor (Bridges of Love) and was attended locally by Cuban Americans, anti-war activists and community members.


By Quest Riggs

Protesters against U.S. wars  march through the French Quarter.

New Orleans, LA – On August 21, around 30 community members gathered in opposition to the U.S. government’s role in fueling crises around the world. They met at the historic Congo Square in the Treme neighborhood of New Orleans.


By Autumn Lake

Twin Cities action in solidarity with the people of Cuba and Haiti.

Minneapolis, MN – Around 30 people took to May Day Plaza, July 29, to hold signs and banners in a show of solidarity with the people of Cuba and Haiti after a new wave of U.S. intervention attempts. This event came after the Biden administration’s July 22 issuance of new sanctions on Cuba, as well as the July 7 assassination of Haiti’s President Jovenel Moïse.


By staff

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National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression denounces U.S.  criminal interference in Cuba


By Josh Bergeron

Cuban cartoon lampooning foreign support for counter revolutionaries

Chicago, IL – Noam Chomsky, Gilbert Achcar, Paul Le Blanc, Suzi Weissman, Tithi Bhattacharya, Charlie Post, Robert Brenner, Gayatri Spivak, Alex Callinicos, Ashley Smith, Eric Toussaint, Marc Cooper, Etienne Balibar. These are a handful of the over 500 signatories on an open letter directed to the blockaded Cuban government on July 12 demanding “respect for the democratic rights of all Cuban people” and the release of “dissident Marxist” Frank García Hernández and his comrades from jail after the protests of July 11.


By World Federation of Trade Unions

Fight Back News is circulating the following statement from the World Federation of Trade Unions.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

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The working people of Cuba are mobilizing to defend the Cuban revolution and drive pro-U.S. reactionaries from the streets. The Cuban people are united in overcoming the costly U.S. economic embargo and subversion. Cubans steadfastly refuse to return to being a colony controlled by the U.S. Older Cubans remember when it was a playground for American millionaires and gangsters, with widespread poverty, abuse of workers and death an everyday part of life.


By Sean Orr

Raúl Castro speaks to Eighth Congress of Communist Party of Cuba.

“Let no one doubt that as long as I live, I will be ready, with a foot in the stirrup to defend the homeland, the revolution and socialism. I will continue serving as one more revolutionary fighter, ready to make my modest contribution until the end of my life.”


By staff

Florida caravan against U.S. blockade on Cuba.

Hialeah, FL – Over 70 members of the South Florida Cuban community took part in a car and bicycle caravan through Hialeah to demand an end to the immoral and illegal U.S. blockade of Cuba. This caravan near Miami was one of dozens of actions that took place not only in cities across the United States, but in countries across the world, from Canada to Egypt to Cuba itself.