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Calvin Riley family demands justice at Tallahassee City Hall

By staff

The Riley family and community members outside Tallahassee City Hall. | Cas Casanova/Fight Back! News

Tallahassee, FL – On June 19, friends and family held a rally at Tallahassee City Hall demanding to overturn the verdict and sentence against Calvin Riley.

Community members joined the Riley family to speak during public comment at the city commission meeting, which apparently was held despite the Juneteenth holiday. Speakers demanded justice for Calvin Riley after he received a conviction and a DUI sentence, despite proof that a police officer planted evidence on him.

Tallahassee Community Action Committee (TCAC), which led the rally, is demanding that Tallahassee Police Officer Kiersten Oliver be fired for misconduct after it was exposed in bodycam footage that she manipulated evidence. TCAC also wants the Citizens Police Review Board to discuss bodycam footage and policies regarding tampering with evidence at their next meeting.

Dalfnie Riley, Calvin Riley’s wife, addressed the difficulties they’ve faced, “My husband is a citizen who pays his taxes just like anyone else and he should be heard and communicated with appropriately. I had to call the court and ask where we are in the case – I believe that if I hadn’t called, there’s no telling when we would have known there wouldn't be another court case. He was found guilty, but the circumstances were not fair, and another trial is deserved.”

Due to increased pressure from local activists, Mayor John Dailey has attempted to cut public comment short by hastening the predetermined city commission meeting agenda. The “Sharing of Ideas” usually occurs after public comment to give city commissioners an opportunity to address points made by constituents. On June 19, Mayor John Dailey conducted the Sharing of Ideas before public comment, most likely to avoid questions regarding the Riley case.

After the rally, community members entered City Hall and expressed their grievances with the roles that Mayor John Dailey and City Commissioners Dianne William-Cox and Curtis Richardson played in covering up for police incompetence. At the previous meeting in May, the mayor accused activists and the Riley family of “attacking” police officers.

Kavan Riley, the son of Dalfnie and Calvin Riley, emotionally expressed, “It’s very tough for me to come out here today on my father’s behalf. This is a man who’s served the city and its community for a long time. I want to see our city do better. I have a child that’s five, and I don’t want her to go through the same things as my father, who’s over 50 years old, had to go through. This man is innocent and has been falsely accused of things he didn’t commit.”

Delilah Pierre, president of TCAC, stated, “There are clear failures on the part of the city to hold police officers accountable for their misconduct and treatment of citizens. Calvin’s family and their integrity has been attacked. You’re saying Calvin Riley is attacking the police – it is unfair to condemn a man who just wants a fair trial and doesn't want city officials to misconstrue his case to the public.”

TCAC reminded the community members who attended the event that the fight for justice for Calvin Riley is not over. Community members are urged to get in contact with Judge Jason Jones to get more information about exactly why he decided not to reopen Calvin Riley’s case.

#TallahasseeFL #FL #InJusticeSystem #TCAC #PoliceCrimes