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Boyle Heights fundraises for marches on the DNC and RNC

By Diana Terreros

Los Angeles fundraising event to help get demonstrators to the protests at the DNC and RNC.  | Staff/Fight Back! News

Los Angeles, CA – Over 40 people gathered at a local bar, Distrito Catorce, to raise funds for organizers traveling to march on the Republican and Democratic National Conventions (RNC and DNC) taking place in Milwaukee and Chicago, respectively. Those traveling include members of Freedom Road Socialist Organization and both the LA and Orange County chapters of Community Service Organization (CSO).

The fundraiser included games of loteria and an auction where winners took home books, plant pots, t-shirts and other prizes. A raffle was also held for two photos of pro-Palestine protests taken by local photographers, both members of CSO.

Jared Hamil of Freedom Road Socialist Organization stated why he thinks it’s important to protest both parties, “Because both parties suck. Both parties are representative of the corporate elite, the 1%.” He also spoke about the March on the RNC of 2012 that took place in Tampa, Florida where he helped to organize thousands to march against Mitt Romney during a tropical storm, highlighting the historic tradition of marching on the conventions. Regarding the Democrats he stated, “They’re complicit in the genocide of Palestine. So, thousands of people will be marching in Chicago and we are here supporting the people who can be there protesting.”

Carlos Montes of Centro CSO said “We must march against the reactionary, racist Republican agenda! Abajo con los republicanos! Abajo con Trump!” and highlighted Trump’s agenda to conduct mass deportations and his support for racist Texas Governor Abbott who wants to block the border in Eagle Pass and continue the deadly barbed wire buoys in the Rio Grande.

David Pulido, of CSO Orange County stated why he will be marching on the DNC, “Biden and the Democrats continue to finance the genocide of the Palestinian people. His administration continues to attack immigrants to the U.S., pushing Trump-like bans on those seeking asylum while giving other immigrants the bare minimum. In so many ways, he continues to betray the oppressed communities that make up his base while pushing the agenda of the super rich. But we won't stand for it, and this August, we will march on the Democratic National Convention and push a people's agenda!”

If you are interested in donating to help fund travel for the organizers of these historic marches, you can Venmo @csooc.

#LosAngelesCA #CA #PeoplesStruggles #OppressedNationalities #ChicanoLatino #RNC #DNC #FRSO #CentroCSO