Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Wyatt Miller

By Wyatt Miller

Minneapolis protest opposes U.S. war on Venezuela.

Minneapolis, MN – The streets were full of working-class solidarity on Saturday, February 23, when well over 100 people, including trade unionists, Latin America solidarity groups and anti-war activists gathered under the banner “U.S. hands off Venezuela!”


By Wyatt Miller

Minneapolis  protest  against Trump’s “National Emergency” declaration.

Minneapolis, MN – Hundreds of people poured into the streets on Saturday, February 16, to demonstrate against the latest escalation of President Trump’s anti-immigrant policies.


By Wyatt Miller

Minnesota protest rejects Trump's wall.

Minneapolis, MN – A sizable crowd gathered at the base of the statue of Mexican revolutionary Emiliano Zapata at South Minneapolis’s Plaza Centenario, February 2, for an event titled “Rally Against the Wall.” The demonstration was initiated by Minnesota Caravan Solidarity/Minnesota en Solidaridad con la Caravana, a coalition of international solidarity and immigrants’ rights groups in Minnesota’s Twin Cities. About 90 demonstrators chanted in support of the refugees travelling in large groups from Central American countries like Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador to seek asylum at the U.S.-Mexico border and condemned President Trump’s racist anti-immigrant views.


By Wyatt Miller

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Minneapolis, MN – On January 16, about 40 people heard from local organizers who travelled to Ireland for the First International Conference Against U.S./NATO Foreign Military Bases, which took place November 16-18, 2018. Nearly 300 participants from over 35 countries attended the conference, calling for the closure of the nearly 1000 U.S./NATO military bases throughout the world.


By Wyatt Miller

Steve Ellner speaking in Minneapolis against U.S. intervention in  Venezuela.

Minneapolis, MN – On November 10, more than 40 people gathered to hear Steve Ellner, a professor, writer and longtime Venezuela resident speak against U.S. sanctions and the Trump administration’s efforts to destabilize Venezuela.

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