Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Sean Orr

By Sean Orr

Milwaukee, WI – An understanding of Bolivarian Venezuela is critical for revolutionaries in the U.S. Alongside Cuba, it is the strongest enemy of U.S. imperialism in the Western Hemisphere, and is on the short list of countries with which the Trump administration is openly threatening war. This alone is reason enough for Marxist-Leninists in the U.S. to want to understand Venezuela and stand in solidarity with its people. Their ability to defeat the reactionary efforts of the American monopoly capitalists is an inspiration for all of us who wish to see a world without imperialism.


By Sean Orr

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Milwaukee, WI – On March 29, the Venezuelan Supreme Court stripped the National Assembly of its authority and took over legislative responsibilities for the government. This decision, one which they have the constitutional authority to do, has been met with widespread condemnation in the U.S. Media sources like NPR and CNN have referred to it as a “self-coup d’etat” and the establishment of a “dictatorship” by Venezuelan President Maduro. Members of the right-wing opposition, always the first to call for violence, have even hinted at this being the beginning of civil war.


By Sean Orr

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More than 500 people marched on a warm night, Feb. 20, in downtown Milwaukee to mark the one-month anniversary of Trump’s inauguration. The action was organized by the Milwaukee Coalition Against Trump (MCAT), a grassroots effort that has united much of the city’s progressive movement into a united fightback against the Trump agenda.


By Sean Orr

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Nearly 1000 people participated in a rally and march led by the Milwaukee Coalition Against Trump (MCAT), a grassroots effort by more than a dozen organizations to resist the Trump agenda. After a number of speakers addressed the demands of the coalition, which included Legalization for all; Indigenous sovereignty now, and Free Palestine. After the speeches, the march took off on a two-mile trek through downtown Milwaukee.


By Sean Orr

YES members picket signs outside the Hefter Conference Center.

Milwaukee, WI – More than 50 youth, teachers and community members gathered outside the Hefner Conference Center, June 25, to let County Executive Chris Abele know that Milwaukee does not support his attacks against our working class-communities. Abele was participating in a $20 a head 'public' luncheon at the extravagant UWM-owned mansion to answer questions about the Milwaukee Public School (MPS) takeover, the proposed arena deal, and his current dispute with the Milwaukee County transit union.


By Sean Orr

Milwaukee, WI – Late on the night of May 19, Wisconsin legislators made a surprise move to overhaul the state’s public school system. State Senator Alberta Darling introduced the “K-12 Omnibus Plan” during the final hours of a budget drafting meeting. While the overhaul attacks public education broadly across the state, it narrows the attack to Milwaukee. The plan is a aimed at the Milwaukee Public Schools system, the Milwaukee teachers union and the working class community that relies on Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS).


By Sean Orr

Milwaukee  fundraiser event for Ayotzinapa.

Milwaukee, WI – On Dec. 18, nearly 100 people gathered at a local art studio on the South Side of Milwaukee for a fundraiser dedicated to the ongoing struggle of the Mexican masses against their corrupt government. With $5 admission at the door, all money raised was donated directly to the Comité de Padres de los Desaparecidos, an organization established by the parents of the 43 students from Iguala, Guerrero whose kidnapping and disappearance sparked the powerful mass movement that is gaining strength across México.


By Sean Orr

During a visit to Capitol Hill, Feb. 3, the leadership of United We Dream (UWD), the largest network of Dreamer (undocumented youth) organizations in the U.S., announced that they might be willing to support the Republican Party’s new “Principles for Immigration Reform,” if it meant that a bill would pass.