Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Marisol Marquez

By Marisol Marquez

Tampa protesters demand end to delay of Deferred Action and legalization now.

Tampa, FL – Two dozen people gathered at the store La Mexicana, Feb. 23, demanding Texan Federal District Judge Andrew Henan lift his block on Deferred Action.


By Marisol Marquez

Raíces en Tampa panel discussion on immigration reform.

Tampa, FL – More than 30 people gathered at the First United Church of Tampa, Feb. 14, for Raíces en Tampa's “Stop the Heartbreak” Comprehensive Immigration Reform (CIR) panel. Some audience members traveled from Gainesville, Auburndale, Clearwater and Lutz to Tampa. Oscar Hernandez of Raíces en Tampa provided transportation to two members of the community who, due to Florida's restrictions on the undocumented, did not have a license or vehicle.


By Marisol Marquez

Tampa, Florida – The holidays are a time for family to come together, especially Mexican families in the U.S. For Oscar Hernandez, a DREAMer and member of Raíces en Tampa, this is the same plan.


By Marisol Marquez

Tampa Block the Boat protest

Tampa, FL – At the early hour of 5:00 a.m., Oct. 11, over 25 activists gathered at the entrance of the Tampa Port. Organized by the network of activists called Block the Boat, the crowd built more support among International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) Local 1402 workers, to stop Israeli shipping. The goal of the Block the Boat movement is to place economic pressure on Israel to stop killing and oppressing Palestinians.


By Marisol Marquez

Tampa, FL - Comprehensive Immigration Reform (CIR) is stalled in Congress and no one is touching it – not the Democrats, not the Republicans and not President Obama. There are currently 1100 daily deportations; with a rough estimate of one immigrant deported every 1.3 minutes. Families are being split apart every minute of every day.


By Marisol Marquez

Marisol Marquez

Tampa, FL – It is Cinco de Mayo, or May 5, but before you participate in “Cinco de Drink-o” and yell, “Happy Mexico Independence Day!” read this article.


By Marisol Marquez

Tampa fights for driver's licenses for all.

Tampa, FL – The U.S. prides itself in having a day to ‘give thanks.’ They call this, ‘Thanksgiving’ and it's supposed to be a time when the family unites and shares a home-cooked meal. This tradition, however, is not always shared by immigrant communities.


By Marisol Marquez

Noor Elashi speaks about demanding Justice for the Holy Land 5.

Tampa, FL—Students, anti-war activists and community organizers gathered at the First United Church of Tampa on Sunday, March 24 to demand an end to U.S. government political repression. 35 people discussed ways to oppose political repression and gain freedom for the Holy Land Five.


By Marisol Marquez

Tampa, FL – Around midnight Jan. 10, the home of well-known Arizona immigrant rights activist Erika Andiola was raided by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). ICE agents asked Andiola who the other people in the home were. One of them was her mother. During the raid, Erika's brother, who had been staying at neighbors for the night, came over and was asked if he was related to the Andiolas. Both Erika's brother and mother are undocumented immigrants from Mexico and both have lived in the U.S. for many years. Shortly after the questions, ICE handcuffed and transported Erika's brother and mother to the Florence Detention Center.


By Marisol Marquez

Tampa, FL – 287(g) is a racist law that was created on Sept. 30, 1996. For 17 years this law has been terrorizing, racially profiling, oppressing and breaking our immigrant families apart. 287(g) gives permission and training to regular police officers to do Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) work whenever ICE is unable to be around. Specifically 287(g) gives permission to local police to ask people in our neighborhoods and on the streets about their immigration status. Since 1996, 287(g) has been responsible for the arrests, abuses and deportations of over 400,000 of our hard-working and exploited immigrants in the U.S.