There is a powerful movement afoot in this country to stop the U.S.-Israeli genocide in Gaza and to stand with Palestine.
Demonstrations are taking place around the country as millions speak out against Israeli crimes and demand an end to all U.S. aid going to the occupation of Palestine. Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) is proud to be among the builders to this movement. You may have seen us speaking at protests or carrying banners reading, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.” We stand for justice. We stand on the side of the resistance!
The Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Forum will be meeting in San Francisco and progressives need to be there on Saturday, November 11 and Sunday, November 12.
Freedom Road Socialist Organization opposes APEC as a tool of imperialist exploitation, and stands in solidarity with those planning to protest this meeting, such as the People's Counter-Summit being organized by the No to APEC Coalition.
The Palestinian resistance is dealing a heavy blow to the Israeli apartheid state. The decades of oppression, humiliation and callous cruelty by the occupiers of Palestine are being answered in the only language oppressors truly understand.
Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) is proud to announce that longtime Chicano revolutionary Carlos Montes was elected to co-chair the Chicano Latino and Other Oppressed Nationalities Commission, newly formed this July 2023. This followed his re-election to the Central Committee at our Congress held in May 2022. The Chicano, Latino, and Other Oppressed Nationalities Commission will help build Chicano power and develop theory. It will also work to forge alliances with Native American people in the Southwest. Carlos self-recruited to FRSO in the mid-1990s, when he saw the importance of building revolutionary organizations to fight for Chicano liberation and socialism.
The Spanish translation of the political program of Freedom Road Socialist Organization is now available as a paperback book. We hope that this new translation will help to bring revolutionary ideas to a wider audience, including the Chicano liberation and immigrant rights movement.
_Additional felony charges mean we must strengthen resistance _
Tampa, FL – Florida state prosecutor Justin Diaz it trying to put the Tampa 5 in prison. The Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) members, arrested at a campus protest against the racist agenda of Governor Ron DeSantis, each face a trumped-up felony charge, alleging “battery on a police officer,” carrying five years of jail time. When the activists rejected a plea deal requiring them to apologize for doing the right thing, the prosecutor added on more felony charges. This means that three of the activists are facing more than ten years behind bars. In addition, the activists face ten misdemeanor charges.
El 1 de mayo de 2023, las personas trabajadoras y oprimidas de todo el mundo celebrarán el Día Internacional de los Trabajadores. Este año, la Organización Socialista Camino a la Libertad (OSCL) llama a nuestros camaradas, amigos y aliados a mantener la tradición revolucionaria de celebrar el 1 de mayo. Celebre haciendo manifestaciones, marchas y programas en ciudades de todo Estados Unidos. Puede encontrar una lista de eventos locales del Día Internacional de los Trabajadores aquí.
On May 1, 2023, working and oppressed people around the world will celebrate International Workers Day. This year, Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) calls on our comrades, friends and allies to uphold the revolutionary tradition of celebrating May 1. Celebrate by holding demonstrations, marches and programs in cities throughout the United States. You can find a list of local International Workers Day events here.