Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Freedom Road Socialist Organization

By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

March 8 is International Women’s Day. It is day to celebrate our collective struggle to achieve equality and liberation, to honor the fighters who have come before us, and prepare resistance to all those who would stand in our way. We can never accept things the way that they are, and we are building a fight for a better world.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Protests in Chicago have been occurring for weeks in reaction to a mass cover-up by the Chicago Police Department, Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Cook County State Attorney Anita Alvarez. LaQuan McDonald was a 17-year-old African American teen who was murdered – shot to death by Chicago police officer Jason Van Dyke in October 2014. Shortly after the murder, killer cop Van Dyke and the Chicago police tried to claim that McDonald had threatened the officer’s life. However, recently released police cruiser dashcam footage showed McDonald walking away from police officers as Van Dyke fired 16 bullets into his body. Many of those shots occurring as McDonald lay dying on the ground.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

It is with great sorrow that we in Freedom Road Socialist Organization learned of the passing of the outstanding revolutionary, Nelson Peery. We extend our deepest condolences to his comrades, family and friends.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Build the movement for community control of police!

The Chicago August 29 demonstration to stop police crimes and to establish community control over the police is nothing short of a historic step forward for the movement against racist discrimination and national oppression, and an advance in the fight for freedom, equality and liberation.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

The Freedom Road Socialist Organization denounces the lies and exaggerations made by Major Marc Hamlin of the Tampa Police in an August 3, 2015 news article. We oppose police spying, police wrecking and political repression of the people's movements. It is outrageous that police claim they managed to “join” and “take over” activist groups at the protests against the Republican National Convention in 2012.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

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On the night of June 17, at the Emanuel AME church, a 21-year-old white supremacist named Dylann Storm Roof shot up a prayer meeting in Charleston, South Carolina. This act of racist violence resulted in the deaths of nine African American people, including a South Carolina State Senator who was the pastor of the church.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

On May 1, 2015, workers around the world will celebrate International Workers’ Day and the struggle for a better world. In most every country, workers and oppressed peoples will march in the streets waving red flags. Working class leaders will give powerful speeches about the history and future of the struggle against an unfair system that only benefits the 1%. May Day is an opportunity to celebrate the working class and the bright future ahead for those of us who work and stand against the bosses and companies that exploit us. May 1 is also a day to stand with oppressed nations and peoples of the world who are resisting war and occupation by the U.S. ruling class and its military machine. Freedom Road Socialist Organization ( urges people to march on May Day and host forums about the working class, the need to end the rule of the 1% and to establish socialism – a system where political and economic power is in the hands of the workers.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Build the fight for justice, equality and liberation

March 8 is International Women’s Day, a day to celebrate our accomplishments in the struggle for equality and liberation, to take stock of the situation we face and to plan for battles ahead. Nothing can hold us back.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

The Freedom Road Socialist Organization is pleased to present the Main Political Report, voted on and passed at our 7th Congress in the summer. The three sections – the U.S. Economy, Domestic Political Report and the International Report – describe the societal conditions in which we organize and struggle for a new society. These documents, debated and revised over many months, provide a basis for understanding the basic conditions of life, the forces in motion in society, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of the movements for social change and revolution. We ask you to read, comment, discuss and share them. Improving our understanding of how society works will strengthen our leadership of mass groups and positively impact the people’s movements.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

There is no justice in America’s courts

Eric Garner was an African American man who was murdered by a white cop with the New York City Police Department. The medical examiner ruled the killing a homicide. The video that shows Eric Garner being choked to death in the street – strangled as a gang of police jumped him – has been viewed by tens of millions. You can hear his last words, “I can’t breathe.” Still, on Dec 3, a white-majority grand jury let the killer cop and his accomplices walk free.