Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Freedom Road Socialist Organization

By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following resolution on the international situation that was adopted at 8th Congress of Freedom Road Socialist Organization. Resolution on the International Situation


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Chairman Kim Jong Un with Donald Trump.

The people of Korea and the peace-loving peoples of the world are celebrating the four-point peace pledge between President Trump of the U.S. and the Chairman Kim Jong Un of the socialist Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (DPRK). It is a big victory for the people of Korea, who want an official end to the U.S. war in Korea, denuclearization of the Korean peninsula, and the return home of U.S. troops. Koreans hope for the unity of their historic homeland, much like the Irish and Palestinian peoples do.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

The 8th Congress of Freedom Road Socialist Organization was a resounding success, and signals a bright future for our efforts to build the people’s struggle, construct a new communist party, and contribute to the process of revolutionary change. Since our 7th Congress in 2014, we have had continuous growth and FRSO is truly national in scope. Delegates attending the Congress came from every region of the country. The Congress saw many people not at our last Congress, including a few more veterans with 40 years or more experience as well as a much larger number of young people including students, workers, and activists in oppressed nationality communities.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) condemns the terrible violence inflicted by the occupation Israeli soldiers on Palestinians in Gaza. On May 14, alone, several dozen Palestinians have been murdered and the death toll continues to rise. Several thousand Palestinians have been injured in the brutal and vicious attack by Israel which saw troops indiscriminately opening fire on crowds of unarmed protesters. Israel Defense Forces snipers killed paramedics trying to assist the injured.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Implement the Peace Agreement!

Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) calls for the immediate release of Colombian peace negotiator Jesús Santrich, who is under arrest pursuant to an extradition request from the U.S.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Labor and immigrants vs. billionaires and bigots

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This year, International Workers Day on May 1 is important for the labor and immigrant rights movements. For over a year now, the people have faced an onslaught of attacks from President Trump’s right-wing administration. Trump’s White House wants to enact the agenda of billionaires and bigots at all costs, whether through tax breaks for the rich, or through cruel raids and deportations of immigrants that rip families apart.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

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Este año, el Día Internacional de los Trabajadores el primero de mayo es importante para los movimientos por los derechos laborales y de los inmigrantes. Por más de un año, las personas se han enfrentado a los ataques de la administración del presidente Trump. La Casa Blanca de Trump quiere promulgar la agenda de los ricos a toda costa, a través de exenciones impositivas para los ricos, o por redadas crueles y deportaciones de inmigrantes que destrozan a las familias inmigrantes.

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By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

U.S. and Western powers: Hands off!

Freedom Road Socialist Organizations condemns in the strongest possible terms, the cowardly attack on Syria carried out by the Trump administration, and accomplices in Britain and France. We demand that the missile and air strikes stop now!


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Part two of a three-part interview with Professor Masao Suzuki

This is part two of a three-part interview. Click for part one and part three of this interview. Fight Back!: In your opinion, what are the main causes of the U.S. trade deficit?


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

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March 8 celebrates International Women’s Day (IWD). This important international holiday originates in the struggles of working women in the U.S. Now is a pivotal time in the history of the fight for women’s liberation. At this moment women are finding their voices, their strength, and solidarity in numbers.