Los Angeles, CA – Thousands of Latino workers, students and shopkeepers stayed away from work and school Dec. 12, in support of the statewide Latino Economic Strike. The Latino Economic boycott was called by the Mexican American Political Association and Hermandad Mexicana Latino Americana, with the support of hundreds of other organizations, to protest the repeal of SB 60, the law that allowed undocumented immigrants to get drivers licenses.
The new book, Crusade for Justice, Chicano Militancy, by Ernesto B. Vigil, is a major contribution to U.S. and Chicano history. The University of Wisconsin Press edition, released May 1999, tells the history of the Crusade for Justice (CFJ) and its militants' struggles for Chicano Liberation in the late 1960s and 1970s.
East Los Angeles, CA – The campaign to defeat Proposition 21, the war on youth ballot initiative, climaxed with a statewide week of rage, and protests led by young people. Thousands of L.A. youth protested by walking out of school, and marching through the middle of East Los Angeles, chanting, “Schools not Jails!”
On Jan. 21, the Southern California Immigration Coalition held a rally in front of the Los Angeles Federal Building to send a message to the President Obama demanding legalization for 10 million immigrants and an end to the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raids and deportations.