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White cop kills Black security guard in Chicago suburb

By staff

Chicago, IL – Black Community leader Frank Chapman condemned the November 12 killing of an African American security guard, Jemel Roberson, by a white police officer from the Midlothian Police Department in the Chicago suburb of Robbins.

“Every city in the U.S. where Black people live has the same crisis of police accountability. Until Black people have the power to determine who polices them and how they are policed, cops will brutalize, torture and murder us with impunity,” said Chapman, of the National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression.

When he was killed by the police officer, Roberson was restraining one of the men believed involved in a shooting incident at the bar where he worked.

#Chicago #PoliceBrutality #Antiracism #FrankChapman #JemelRoberson #MidlothianPoliceDepartment #NationalAllianceAgainstRacistAndPoliticalRepression

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