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Gainesville: Video of Kofi shooting finally released

By staff

Video of shooting of Kofi Adu-Brempong

Gainesville, FL – The video of the March 2 shooting of Kofi Adu-Brempong has finally been released to the public. Students of the University of Florida and members of the community have been outraged about the shooting and have held demonstrations demanding justice for Adu-Brempong.

Justin Wooten, a member of Students for a Democratic Society and organizer for the coalition fighting for Kofi, said, “This is a big deal for us. This video shows just how outrageous the police response was. This video shows what happens when you hire racist thugs who want to play cowboy.”

#GainesvilleFL #StudentMovement #PoliceBrutality #RacismInTheCriminalJusticeSystem #KofiAduBrempong

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