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Utah vigil for three young Muslims murdered in North Carolina

By Gregory Lucero

Utah vigil for Muslim students murdered in North Carolina.

Salt Lake City, UT – More than 50 people gathered at the steps of the Utah State Capitol, Feb. 25, in honor of three young Arab American Muslims murdered in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. On Feb 10, Craig Hicks gunned down Deah Shaddy Barakat, Yusor Mohammad Abu-Salha and Razan Mohammad Abu-Salha.

The murders sparked protests and vigils across the country including Salt Lake City. United in Service for Humanity called for the vigil to build solidarity with the Muslim community and take a stand against Islamophobia.

“Deah, Razan, and Yusor knew how to live, yet it was snatched away by someone who judged them before even knowing them,” said Wagma Mohmand, the Co-Founder and Director of United in Service for Humanity. She called for action, “To prove to the world that we are strong and that hate and ignorance will not tear us apart and bring us down. I don’t know why people choose to hate and judge, but I do know that if we stand together against hate, we will win.”

“The mainstream national media also tried to pass this tragedy off as a parking lot dispute,” said Zuhaib Alam, a director of the Islamic Society of Greater Salt Lake. He continued, “A parking lot dispute doesn’t cause young sisters to be fearful to wear their hijab, or cause young brothers to be fearful to wear their beard, or cause parents to reevaluate safety of their children. This was no parking lot dispute.”

The final speaker Nadine Sbaih personally knew those killed. “Yusor was always my motivation.” She referenced their humanitarian service saying, “They were truly sincere, inspiring, motivated, beautiful, honest, close and just amazing people.” She continued, “That’s what I think so many people now strive for, and that makes me proud to see how much they’ve impacted so many lives.”

The crowd vowed to continue forward. They will be holding another solidarity event on April 4 at the library square.

#SaltLakeCityUT #PeoplesStruggles #AntiRacism #ChapelHillShooting #Utaj

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