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University of Texas Arlington students oppose racist, reactionary Republican administration

By Grady Bell

Texas students oppose Trump's reactionary agenda.

Arlington, TX – Student organizers carried out an anti-Trump banner drop and mass recruiting event at a club fair hosted on UTA campus, January 22.

Members of the Progressive Student Union at UT Arlington arrived early at a club fair to secure a table which we are often denied. Admin and university staff do everything in their power to block student outreach. Many organizers came out and dedicated a large part of their day to flyering and tabling around the event. This effort attracted a large number of students to the cause, which was shown in the meeting the organization had later that night.

The action which generated the most attention was the noon time anti-Republican banner drop. Over the main section of the fair, two organizers held a banner reading “Fight the racist reactionary Republican agenda.” As soon as the banner was up, administrators tried to shut it down, citing non-existence policies that they couldn't back up. Organizers held fast, demanding proof of the policies. Soon admin fled, unable to back up their claims.

The drop also generated attention from students, many of whom came up to talk with organizers about what they would do during the upcoming Trump administration. As said by a PSU member, “We're here to fight to maintain the piecemeal liberties our school gives us, and to push our cowardly administration to expand those rights in the face of Republican attacks, because if their behavior under previous legislation is anything to go by, they sure as hell won't stand up for us on their own.”

Students were overall receptive to this message and the organization received several signups from the banner drop alone.

It is more important now than ever that we have an organized front of students who can fight against the Trump administration's backward policies. The Progressive Student Union will continue to host actions which push back against administration, unite the student body, and show that no matter how much resistance they face, they will continue to fight.

#ArlingtonTX #TX #StudentMovement #PSU #Trump