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Trump wall protest in Boyle Heights

By Marisol Márquez

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Los Angeles, CA – The evening of February 22, a group of fiery protestors gathered at Mariachi Plaza in Boyle Heights, protesting Trump’s deceleration of a National Emergency for his wall. The Boyle Heights action was organized by Centro CSO and was one of the protests in response to a call to action made by the Legalization for All Network.

On the campaign trail, candidate Trump said that Mexico would pay for his wall. President Trump could not get funding for his wall on the U.S.-Mexico border even when his Republican Party controlled the House, the Senate and the White House. Then he shut down parts of the federal government for over a month in an attempt to get the funding for his racist wall. Trump then took it a step further by declaring a national emergency. With thousands of U.S. troops already mobilized to the border, a national emergency will heighten the tension, given that armed troops and border agents have unleashed tear gas on refugees.

Chanting, “Up, up with legalization! Down, down with deportations!” and “Trump, el burro! No! Al muro,” (Trump, the jackass! No! To his wall) the group received countless honks of support. Many passersby even joined the protesters in chanting as they drove by.

To sign onto the Legalization for All call go here:

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