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Trump’s “Crime Victims' Rights Week” targets immigrants

By staff

LA protest against Trump demands "Legalization for all." LA protest against Trump demands \"Legalization for all.\" LA protest against Trump demands \"Legalization for all.\" (Fight Back! News/Staff)

Washington DC – President Trump proclaimed April 2 through April 8, to be “National Crime Victims' Rights Week,” singling out undocumented immigrants for bigoted attacks.

The proclamation reads in part, “My Administration is developing an office to assist victims of crimes committed by criminal aliens. The Victims Of Immigration Crime Engagement (VOICE), within the Department of Homeland Security, will work to serve the victims of open borders policies ‑which will no longer form the basis of our immigration system. These victims will not be ignored by the media or silenced by special interests any longer.”

Trump made racist attacks on immigrants a centerpiece of his campaign, identifying Mexicans as “rapists.” Since taking office he has ramped up deportations and is making plans for a wall to further militarize the border with Mexico.

Considering Trump’s attacks, many in the immigrant rights movement are making plans to attend the May Day demonstrations that are being organized across the U.S.

#WashingtonDC #DonaldTrump

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