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Tallahassee protests Kamala Harris ahead of the DNC

By staff

Tallahassee, FL – On Sunday, August 18, about 30 community members gathered at the Florida Capitol building to protest Kamala Harris and her policies regarding the Israeli genocide in Gaza.

Protesters held signs within sight of the busy intersection in front of the capitol complex stating, “We won’t vote for genocide” and “Arms embargo now!”

Cas Casanova, representing Freedom Road Socialist Organization, stated, “The Democrats can’t fool us. They say our democracy is at stake every four years, yet they expect us to be excited to vote for top cop Kamala who is completely unwavering in her support for Israel. The election is proof that this system is rotten. We need a government that actually serves the everyday working people of this country, not the ultra rich.” Members of Tallahassee FRSO traveled to Chicago that weekend to participate in the March on the DNC.

Delilah Pierre, president of the Tallahassee Community Action Committee, drew attention to the links between the struggles for Black and Palestinian liberation, stating, “People have been calling the Palestinian liberation movement ‘anti-Black,’ but who taught us how to get police tear gas out of our eyes? Who created countless murals honoring the life of George Floyd during the 2020 uprising? It was the Palestinians. Because if anyone knows what it’s like to be a target of police terror day in and day out, it’s Black people in the United States and Palestinians repressed by Israel. Our struggles are connected.”

The event was put on by Tallahassee Dissenters as part of Not Another Bomb and the Uncommitted Movement’s National Day of Action for the Democratic National Convention. Also present were the Tallahassee Community Action Committee (TCAC) and the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO).

After speeches, attendees marched down the block to City Hall to come together and share stories from family and friends in Gaza.

Jayci Qassis, a Palestinian leader of Tally Dissenters, closed the event, stating, “Voters within the Democratic Party are overwhelmingly in support of a ceasefire in Gaza and ending the United States’ support to Israel via the transfer of weapons. We are calling on Kamala Harris to do the right thing, to listen to voters and stop arming Israel with weapons funded by our tax dollars. Today we reinforce the message that began with the Uncommitted Movement: We will not elect a candidate who funds genocide over our communities.”

#TallahasseeFL #FL #AntiWarMovement #Palestine #Harris #DNC #Dissenters #FRSO #TCAC