Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Students and youth protest at the DNC

By Ava Lipatti

Michael Sampson, speaking for Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Philadelphia, PA – On July 25 thousands of people took part in several actions outside the Democratic National Convention (DNC). The first action was billed as the Equality Coalition’s March on the DNC.

Signs and banners ranged from “Bernie or bust” to “This party’s over.” The rally included speakers and music.

The rally was followed by the March on the DNC that went four miles down Broad Street in 99-degree heat. People chanted, “What do we want? Justice! When do we want it? Now!” and “If we don’t get it? Shut it down!”

During the march, SDS passed out a statement saying, “Despite her rhetoric, Hillary Clinton ultimately represents the interests of the Wall Street billionaires and the rest of the 1%. As the perfect ‘status quo’ candidate, Clinton carries out a neoliberal agenda, having a history of racist, warmongering, anti¬-immigrant, and anti-worker pursuits and policies.”

The next day, July 26, the Philly Coalition for REAL Justice led the Black DNC Resistance March Against Police Terrorism and State Repression. The march met up with protesters at City Hall where Lamont Lilly, the vice presidential candidate for Workers World Party, was speaking. Also speaking was Michael Sampson of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization, who had this to say, “The police are everywhere terrorizing and corrupting our communities. This is bigger than just my community. This is all oppressed people’s communities. We have to stand up right now, right here today!”

After the City Hall rally another march on the DNC took place with people chanting, “No justice, no peace, jail the racist police!” “Don’t vote for Hillary, she kills black people,” and “We want freedom, freedom. All those racist ass cops we don’t need’em, need’em!”

#PhiladelphiaPA #Elections #PhillyCoalitionForREALJustice #MarchOnTheDNC #BlackDNCResistanceMarch

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