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Salt Lake City takes the streets protesting not guilty verdict in Trayvon Martin murder

By staff

Salt Lake City protest demands justice for Trayvon Martin

Salt Lake City, UT – In response to the not guilty verdict for George Zimmerman for the murder of Trayvon Martin, protesters took to the streets here. Rallying at the Matheson Courthouse, over 200 activists and community members came together to express their outrage and frustration with the American justice system.

Victoria Sethunya drew comparisons of her struggles against the Apartheid system in South Africa with racial oppression of African-Americans and others in the U.S. today. Speaking in solidarity with Trayvon Matin’s mother, Sethunya touched on the challenge of raising Black children in white America, where Blacks, along with other oppressed people, face racial profiling and discrimination.

“Ask any mother who has a Black son. We fear when nighttime comes,” she told the crowd.

While activists were gathered peacefully, some motorists honked in approval of the demonstration and some reactionaries yelled endorsements for Zimmerman from their cars.

The rally set out on a march around the courthouse, taking over the streets and stopping traffic. They chanted that Zimmerman is guilty and denounced the judicial system.

After the march, protesters shouted down a Salt Lake police officer who attempted to address the crowd.

Sethunya connected the events in Florida to police brutality in Salt Lake City, saying the police need to be held accountable for their actions, as well as Zimmerman.

“If you kill a dog here you go to jail,” she said. “Trayvon Martin is a human being, and Zimmerman has to be held accountable.”

#SaltLakeCityUT #AfricanAmerican #RacismInTheCriminalJusticeSystem #TrayvonMartin #GeorgeZimmerman

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