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Salt Lake City: Justice for Dillon Taylor, Mike Brown, Danielle Willard

By Cannon Atkinson

Salt Lake City protest against police killings.

Salt Lake City, UT – More than 30 people marched through the streets here, Aug. 25, to demand justice for Dillon Taylor, Danielle Willard and Mike Brown. Protesters were outraged at the recent killing of Dillon Taylor, an unarmed man, at the hands of the Salt Lake City Police, as well as other killings by the police, such as Danielle Willard and Ferguson, Missouri’s Mike Brown.

Gregory Lucero of the Revolutionary Students Union stated, “We have to stand against police brutality now, to demand that these killer cops get proper punishment and prevent this from happening ever again.”

Protesters marched to several Utah landmarks, including the federal building, the state courthouse and the police department to make their voices heard. Speakers at each stop told of their stories about harassment and grief at the hands of Salt Lake City’s cops. At the police station, Dillon Taylor's aunt relayed a message of hope and support to the protesters, thanking them for their determination to fight police brutality. Fatima Badran, the organizer of the protest, also spoke to those in the march, saying, “This is how justice is won. By making our voices heard and standing up against police brutality, we can make a difference.”

The march is one among many across the county this past week in a show of solidarity with protesters in Ferguson. The demands of the march included justice for the people of Ferguson and removing the National Guard. The crowd also called for harsh punishment for the officer who killed Utah’s Dillon Taylor.

Christopher Manor, of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) stated, “These actions show people locally that the same systems of oppression that are being faced around the country are still present and problematic here and that we can fight them.”

#SaltLakeCityUT #PoliceBrutality #Ferguson #JusticeForMichaelBrown #HandsUp

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