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Protests breaking out in Milwaukee in response to Zimmerman verdict

By staff

Milwaukee protest demands justice for Trayvon Martin Milwaukee protest demands justice for Trayvon Martin (Fight Back! News/Staff)

Milwaukee, WI – Following the not guilty verdict for George Zimmerman, who stalked and killed Trayvon Martin, emergency demonstrations started the night of Saturday, July 13 and went on into early Sunday morning.

50 people marched through the streets of the Riverwest neighborhood, taking the streets and carrying a banner that read, “Justice for Trayvon Martin and Derek Williams.”

Later in the evening many protesters joined another action on Milwaukee's North side, blocking traffic on the corner of 38th and Hampton. About 100 people stood on the corners of 38th and Hampton and 30 stood in the streets blocking traffic with a banner that read “No justice in the system.” One leader of the action was singled out and chased down by at least six police as supporters yelled “let him go” and recorded video.

There will be another rally July 14 at 6:00 p.m. at the MLK statue on Martin Luther King Jr. Drive, near the intersection of Vine Street, south of North Avenue.

#MilwaukeeWI #PoliceBrutality #RacismInTheCriminalJusticeSystem #TrayvonMartin #GeorgeZimmerman

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