Portland holds vigil honoring victims of state violence
Demanding justice for George Floyd in Portland, OR. (Fight Back! News/staff)
Portland, OR – A casket sat at the bottom of the steps of Terry Shrunk plaza, as a sizeable crowd gathered to remember the lives of the most recent victims of state terror carried out by our nation’s police force, May 29.
Impassioned speeches, song and poetry filled the plaza as speakers stressed the need for continual action and solidarity against racism and institutional white supremacy.
“The reality is, is that white America has accepted the fact that black and brown bodies are expendable. That in order for you to feel secure, we have been silenced while our bodies continue to pile up,” said Portland City Commissioner Joann Hardesty.
The crowd disbanded with minimal disruption by the Portland Police.
#PortlandOR #OppressedNationalities #PeoplesStruggles #PoliceBrutality #GeorgeFloyd
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