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Philadelphia marches on May Day

By staff

Marchers stop to listen to speakers on May Day in North Philadelphia   | Fight Back! News/staff

Philadelphia, PA – Over 70 people took to the streets of North Philadelphia on May 1, International Workers Day. Community members and political organizations rallied together at the Philadelphia Peace Park, an area that has been liberated by the community from the Philadelphia Housing Authority’s racist management. It is now the site of a community garden where Peace Park volunteers are building a structure to hold community and educational events.

Although it is an international holiday and is more widely recognized in some countries than it is in the United States, the origins of May Day stretch back to Chicago in the 1880s. For over 100 years, May 1 has marked a day for the international working class to show solidarity as a class and support the rights of all.

The initial rally at the Peace Park stressed both the solidarity of those present in their fight against the oppressors and the memory of those fighters who live on through their contributions to the struggle.

The crowd formed up in the street and proceeded to the beat of drums to wave the red flag of socialism, the red, black and green flag of Black liberation, and the banners of embattled Palestine and the Philippines. Police shut down the roads three blocks in each direction of the demonstration as it moved. They marched chanting, “What’s the plan? Free the land! What’s the call? Free them all,“ to the office of the Philadelphia Housing Authority to deliver a statement demanding the deed to the land where the park is located. Marchers made it clear that Peace Park isn’t going anywhere and will not be surrendered back to the housing authority to be used for gentrification.

Organizers stopped two more times and took the mic to speak on imperialism, the history of Philadelphia, and the need for organization and solidarity in the international struggle against capitalism and national oppression.

Krystal Strong, representing Black Lives Matter Philly, spoke on the importance of organization and solidarity, stating “If you look at our history when we’ve been our strongest, when we’ve been the closest to liberation there's two things that we’ve done: the first is to join an organization, there is a place for every single member of our community, including the children, in our struggle; and we have connected across our organizations.”

Demonstrators finished their march back at the Peace Park where they shared a delicious and healthy meal.

Many organizations contributed to and supported the day’s events including the Philly Peace Park, We Charge Colonialism, African People’s Socialist Party, Philly Black Worker’s Project, Black Lives Matter Philly, Ubuntu Freedom, All-African People’s Revolutionary Party, Voices of the People Podcast, Anakbayan Philly with many others present including Freedom Road Socialist Organization.

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