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PFLP says Israeli home demolitions will be met with larger confrontations

By Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following Nov. 23 statement from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). Occupier’s home demolition threats will be met with increased confrontation and steadfastness

The threats of the Prime Minister of the occupation state, Benjamin Netanyahu, to demolish the homes of the families of Ghassan and Uday Abu Jamal in occupied Jerusalem is a criminal and dangerous escalation which will only be met with greater confrontation, steadfastness and resistance to stop these plans, said the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine on November 23.

Perhaps the Zionist occupier deludes himself that through such illegal actions and the imposition of laws and the use of military power to expel the indigenous residents of Jerusalem from their homes and villages where they were born, raised and inherited from their ancestors, or by the continuing policy of home demolitions, the Judaization of Jerusalem and mass arrests, that he will be able to stop the popular uprising and growing resistance. However, our Palestinian people in Jerusalem have proven again and again that such measures will fail before the growing flames of intifada and the popular willingness to sacrifice and struggle despite Zionist terror, said the Front.

The Front saluted the masses of our people in Jerusalem and addressed the families of the martyrs, the defenders of dignity who stand against repression, terror and Zionist policies, calling on them to continue to confront these attacks with vigor.

The Front noted that the struggle in Jerusalem is not a religious battle, but is instead a battle of existence for the Palestinian people against a racist entity determined to eliminate the indigenous people from the occupied land, robbing it from its rightful owners. The Zionist schemes aim to exploit the religious status of the city in order to hold Jerusalem under the complete control of the occupier and to justify its systematic state terror against the Palestinian people, and to turn the liberation struggle into a “religious conflict between Palestinians and Jews.”

The Front urged the masses of the Palestinian people and the diaspora to raise the level their organizing and activities to support our people in Jerusalem, to escalate the popular movement and resistance in the West Bank and fuel the fire of Intifada, build sustainable struggle and hit the occupier; including forming popular committees in each camp to confront occupier and settler terror. In this battle, said the Front, there is no place for neutrality or for leaving our people in Jerusalem alone to confront the occupation.

The Front demanded that the Palestinian leadership implement strong action to support the steadfastness of our people in Jerusalem through financial support and political action to confront the Zionist schemes in the United Nations and all international arenas, demanding an end to systematic Zionist state terror. In particular, the Front urged the immediate accession to the Rome Statute and the International Criminal Court to put the occupation on trial for its criminal policies against our people, and noted that it is appalling that there is until now no substantive action that has been taken to make this a reality beyond media statements.

#Palestine #PFLP #homeDemolitions #MiddleEast

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