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PFLP: Abbas’ statements on the right of return and resistance are unacceptable

By Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine stated its complete rejection of the statements of PA President Mahmoud Abbas in an interview with Israeli television and demanded that the Executive Committee and Central Council of the PLO act immediately to address these statements.

Comrade Dr. Rabah Muhanna, member of the political bureau of the PFLP, said that these statements contradict the PLO’s own positions and the fundamental principles of the Palestinian people, including the right of return, self-determination, the independent state, the right of our people to exercise all forms of resistance against the occupation to achieve our national goals. He noted that Abu Mazen is not entitled to liquidate these constants, nor is anyone else, noting that these remarks apparently seek to propitiate and beg before the US and Israel seeking to be given something. Dr. Muhanna said that the Palestinian people will continue to insist on their right of return and self-determination and a democratic Palestine on all of the land of Palestine.

Comrade Khalida Jarrar, also a member of the Political Bureau, joined in the strong condemnation, saying that these statements seek to undermine a sacred and inalienable right and cross a red line, and that the right to return cannot be undermined by any person. It is not a personal opinion of this or that person. Jarrar also denounced his claims that he would not allow the outbreak of a third intifada, noting that no one can restrain the anger of the resistance of the Palestinian people or the inevitability of a new uprising so long as the occupation and its aggressive policies continue to exist.

Jarrar said that the resistance in all of its forms has been and continues to be the path of the Palestinian people in the struggle against the occupation in order to gain their rights, and said that no matter how long it takes our people will achieve freedom, return and self-determination and will return to their hometowns from which they were forced in 1948.

#Palestine #PopularFrontForTheLiberationOfPalestine #PFLP #MiddleEast

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