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News and Views from the People's Struggle

Panther Cubs Streetz Party 2017

By Eric Struch

Participants in event marking the life of Fred Hampton, Sr. Participants in event marking the life of Fred Hampton, Sr. Participants in event marking the life of martyred Illinois Black Panther Party Chairman Fred Hampton, Sr. (Fight Back! News/staff)

Chicago, IL – Every year on August 30, the Black Panther Party Cubs and Chairman Fred Hampton, Jr. (the son of martyred Illinois Black Panther Party Chairman Fred Hampton, Sr.) throw the Chairman Fred Streetz Party, a commemoration of his father's 1948 birthday. Chairman Fred, Sr. was assassinated on Dec. 4, 1969 in a 4 a.m. Gestapo-style raid carried out by the Chicago Police Department, Illinois State's Attorney’s Office and the FBI.

As is the case every year, forces gather at Ground Zero, 2337 W. Chairman Fred Way (‘Monroe Street’), the site of his father's brutal state murder. People come from all over the world to remember Chairman Fred Hampton, Sr. and his message of revolutionary proletarian internationalism. Representatives from New York City's December 12th Movement were present, as well as a representative of the Revolutionary Movement of the Left (MIR) from Chile, along with members of New Era Chicago. Also in attendance was up-and-coming Chicago hip hop artist Vic Mensa.

Chairman Fred, Jr. opened the gathering, stating, “Certain dates stick out with us because of the significance of them. Even if you're not outside, when you're held captive out at the concentration camps, you stop what you're doing, out on the college campus, the street corners, whatever. You feel a sense of, it's inspiring, not only to the colonized community, but it sends a message to the system, saying that, regardless of how brutal the attacks are, regardless of how many times they place individuals in isolation for acknowledging certain forces, regardless of how many books they ban, regardless of how much they don't teach, we want it to be instinctive to acknowledge those who fought for us. Right on?” The crowd responded, “Right on!”

After opening statements from Chairman Fred, Jr., Comrade Mother Akua Njeri, and Black Panther Party veteran Billy “Che” Brooks, statements of solidarity were offered, and the assembled revolutionaries marched down to The Wall, the Chairman Fred, Sr. mural at Madison and California.

#ChicagoIL #AfricanAmerican #BlackPantherParty #FredHampton

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