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Occupy UCLA Pitches Tents

By staff

Tents at Angela Davis (formerly Wilson) Plaza, Occupy UCLA.

Los Angeles, CA – “Evict us, we multiply, occupy will never die!” Despite crackdowns against encampments around the country, a large group of students, activists, and union members launched “Occupy UCLA” on Thursday, after a noon rally of several hundred students and workers against budget cuts and fee hikes.

Activists set up about 30 tents in Wilson Plaza and intend to stay for as long as possible. A mass general assembly in the afternoon drew up a list of demands, and voted to rename the square Angela Davis Plaza. Earlier this afternoon, UCPD and administrators informed the group that pitching “temporary structures” and overnight camping were prohibited.

Currently (9:30 pm) the second general assembly has convened. 200+ students have re-convened in the plaza to discuss how to respond to UCPD attempts to clear out the encampment. Many activists have expressed a willingness to risk arrest in order to hold the space as long as possible.

“The reason why I came out here today is because something new is happening,” said Alvin, an engineering student. “The university is trying to cut down on our free speech, and I can’t stand for that.”

“I came here tonight to show solidarity with our UC brothers at Berkeley, who were raided last night by police in riot gear,” said another student, addressing the assembly.

Marcus, from Los Angeles Valley College “I’m here to let everyone know tonight that the students from all community colleges are here to represent! Whether we’re community college students, cal state students, UC students, K-12 students, or any other student in California, we’re here to make a stand that we’re here to fight for education! We’re here to fight for our homes! We’re here to fight for our jobs! We’re here to fight for our communities! The 1% are not getting away with it this time! Are you guys ready?!”

“I want this movement to flourish, I don’t want to see it end tonight. We are the 99% and we are not going anywhere!”

Tents at Angela Davis (formerly Wilson) Plaza, Occupy UCLA.

#LosAngelesCA #StudentMovement #OccupyWallStreet #occupyUCLA

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