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Occupy the Hood, Occupy Milwaukee on the march

By staff

Milwaukee, WI- Occupy Milwaukee held a second march, Oct. 29, joining with Occupy the Hood. 400 people marched from Lincoln Park down a busy street, ending at a closed-down auto factory. Milwaukee's north side is predominately African-American and is one of the hardest hit areas in the country. Speakers from the labor, anti-racist and peace movements decried the 1% for de-unionization, foreclosures, job loss, wars and military spending, deportations and Wisconsin Senate Bill 207 – a bill aimed to further disenfranchise felons.

“This demonstration was important for Occupy the Hood Milwaukee, Occupy Milwaukee, and really Occupy Wall Street,” commented Occupy marcher Alicia Skeeter. “This is an all people’s movement and the diversity present yesterday is truly a testimony to how much of a crisis we are in.”

Occupy the Hood encourages people to attend a People's Hearing about SB 207 this Wednesday, Nov. 2, at 6:00 p.m. at the Amalgamated Transit Union Hall in Milwaukee.

#MilwaukeeWI #PoorPeoplesMovements #OccupyWallStreet #OccupyMilwaukee #OccupyTheHood #OccupyTheHoodMilwaukee

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