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NYC remembers Al Nakba

By staff

Al Nakba marked in NYC

New York, NY – Over 100 people gathered in the Bay Ridge neighborhood of Brooklyn on May 15 to commemorate 71 years since the Nakba, or “catastrophe.” The Nakba marks the 1948 anniversary of Israel’s expulsion of over 700,000 Palestinians from their land.

The rally was organized by Within Our Lifetime – United for Palestine (WOL) with speakers from other Palestinian and solidarity organizations.

The speakers emphasized that despite 71 years of occupation, the fight remains strong and that Palestine will one day be free.

Jessica Schwartz from the Committee to Stop FBI Repression echoed the call for continuous struggle for Palestine.

“Something we all here can learn from the Palestinian liberation struggle is that no enemy is too large for us. From the brave fighters of the Great Return March to Khalida Jarrar, Rasmea Odeh and Ahed Tamimi, we honor all of those who have confronted the apartheid regime of Israel, and we promise to continue fighting,” Schwartz said.

After the rally, the crowd gathered for an Iftar fundraiser, in honor of Ramadan.

#NewYorkNY #Palestine #PeoplesStruggles #AlNakba #MiddleEast

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