Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

New Orleans students protest university repression and ties with Israel

By Carson Cruse

Pro-Palestine students hold banner outside Tulane campus.  | Lucas Harrell/Fight Back! News

New Orleans, LA – On September 4, 40 students and community members rallied outside of Tulane and Loyola Universities demanding the Tulane and Loyola drop the disciplinary sanctions against students involved in the Popular University for Palestine encampment. They also pushed the demands of each university’s Students for a Democratic Society chapter – disclosure of university investments and divestment from apartheid Israel.

Despite the rainy weather, they chanted “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” and “The students, united, will never be defeated!” and caught the attention of passersby.

Speakers discussed the repression faced on Tulane and Loyola’s campuses regarding student solidarity with Palestine and the encampment movement. “These [Loyola] students are facing ridiculous conduct charges, and they are now banned from participating in any campus organizations, meaning they can’t be a part of SDS anymore. They now have a clause in the student code of conduct that specifically mentions not damaging lawns” explained Elsie Swedberg, a member of Loyola Students for a Democratic Society. “They know that we won’t stop until our demands are met – we are going to make sure that they sever any relationship, aid or avenue of profit with Israel” she continued.

These two universities are going to great lengths to crush the student movement in New Orleans. Tulane suspended several students who helped lead the Popular University for Palestine encampment in the spring. Loyola tried to ensure that SDS leaders could not organize again by placing them on academic probation and banning them from attending meetings.

“Tulane University would rather send me to jail, would rather take away my scholarships, would rather financially expel me from this university than disclose where they invest the endowment. Tulane would rather expel me than allow a healthy internal democracy to exist” yelled Rory Macdonald, a member of Tulane Students for a Democratic Society facing suspension.

The rally was organized by Tulane and Loyola SDS with organizations NOSHIP (New Orleans Stop Helping Israel’s Ports) and New Orleans Musicians for Palestine attending in support of the student movement.

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