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New Orleans rallies on Ronald Greene’s 5-year angelversary, demands conviction of Louisiana State Police troopers

By staff

 NOCOP member Jasmine Groves speaks on Ronald Green's murder in front of the federal building. Groves's late mother, Kim Groves, was murdered by NOPD killer cop Len Davis in 1994.  | Fight Back! News/staff

New Orleans, LA – On Friday, May 10, a small crowd gathered in front of the Federal Building downtown to demand justice for Ronald Greene, a 49-year-old Black man killed by Louisiana State Police on May 10, 2019, just outside Monroe, Louisiana. The rally was hosted by New Orleans for Community Oversight of Police (NOCOP).

The action brought together activists and community members to commemorate the five-year angelversary of Ronald Greene, and demanded that killer cops Kory York and Chris Harpin, both Louisiana State troopers, be convicted and sentenced to jail time for their crimes. The crowd shouted, “We want justice, you say how: Convict York and Harpin now!” as speakers from NOCOP recounted the horrific details of Ronald Greene’s murder and the cover-up by State Police that followed.

Shortly after midnight on May 10, 2019, State Trooper Dakota DeMoss attempted to pull Greene over for an unspecified traffic violation. A chase then ensued, ending with Greene pulling over and apologizing, holding his hands in the air. Body cam footage shows Louisiana State police then proceeded to stun-gun Greene, drag him out of his car, arrest him, and mercilessly beat, tase, pepper-spray and drag Greene by his ankles across the asphalt. Ronald Greene died of asphyxiation after troopers left him facedown, coughing up blood, with his hands shackled behind his back.

What followed Greene’s brutal murder was over a year of lies from the Louisiana State Police. “The officers lied to the investigators and Ronald Greene’s family and claimed that he died in a car accident to protect themselves. It wasn’t until over a year later when Ronald’s mother saw that the car had little damage that she knew that there had been a coverup,” said Adam Pedesclaux, a speaker with NOCOP.

Toni Mar, another speaker with NOCOP, connected the case with a larger history of racism, brutality and corruption in the Louisiana State Police. Mar then condemned the new presence of State Police in New Orleans, after a mandate by Governor Jeff Landry brought a permanent “Troop NOLA” to the city in February. “We have enough corrupt police on our hands with the NOPD. We don’t need these racist killer cops brutalizing the Black and working-class people of New Orleans. They have absolutely no oversight, no accountability, and they don’t belong in our city!” said Mar.

The rally concluded with a call-to-action for the crowd to continue following the case. Five years after Greene’s murder, York and Harpin are only two of the six officers involved that are going to trial for criminal charges. Their charges are not for murder, but only for obstruction of justice. Kory York will go to trial on September 23, and Chris Harpin on October 28 in Ouachita, Louisiana.

More information on Ronald Greene’s case and future updates can be found on NOCOP’s Instagram: @n.o.cop

#NewOrleansLA #LA #InJusticeSystem #PoliceBrutality #PoliceCrimes m#NOCOP