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Minnesota Protest of “Scrooge Pawlenty”

By staff

Protest against "Scrooge Pawlenty" at governor's mansion Dec. 22

St. Paul, MN – Governor 'Scrooge Pawlenty' was by visited by the ghosts of Christmas past, present and future at his mansion here on Dec. 22. Said the ghost of Christmas future, “The people of Minnesota will continue to haunt you. They will expose your miserable actions if you continue to push your greedy, poor-bashing agenda. They will warn voters to block your ambitions if you try to spread your lies in a pathetic run for the presidency.”

The skit, based on Charles Dickens's novel A Christmas Carol, was preformed as a part of a protest organized by the Welfare Rights Committee.

A statement from the Welfare Rights Committee noted, “Under Pawlenty's watch, the state of Minnesota has faced historic budget crises, yet the wealthiest have paid not one dime to help solve the budget deficits. Instead, Scrooge Pawlenty has butchered jobs, education, public services and programs for poor and working Minnesotans. On March 1, Pawlenty will single-handedly cut over 35,000 off of basic health care. To add insult to injury, Scrooge Pawlenty touts his miserable actions on a national scale in a run for Republican candidate for the presidency.”

#SaintPaulMN #PoorPeoplesMovements #WelfareRightsCommittee #TimPawlenty

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