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Milwaukee rallies against ground invasion of Gaza

By staff

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Milwaukee, WI – Nearly 500 people marched to Senator Tammy Baldwin's office in downtown here, July 18. The emergency rally was organized in opposition to Israel's ground invasion of Gaza, which began July 17. The Milwaukee Palestine Solidarity Coalition, who organized the emergency response, said it was the largest rally for Palestine ever held in Milwaukee.

While the U.S. government supports Israeli war crimes, unprecedented numbers of people worldwide have mobilized against the ongoing bombardment of Gaza, which has killed over 300 people in 11 days.

Protesters shouted, “Occupation is a crime! Palestine will never die!” as they marched outside Senator Baldwin's office.

Also on July 17, the U.S. Senate passed a resolution (S. 498) supporting Israel's military actions with unanimous consent. The resolution called on the recently-formed Palestinian Unity Government to “dissolve,” and labeled rocket fire from Gaza “unprovoked.” Senator Baldwin was one of 19 members of the Senate who did not formally sign the resolution. In her 13 years in Congress, Baldwin has supported $35 billion in U.S. aid to Israel, but activists are hopeful that Baldwin could still take a stand in favor of Palestinian human rights and against the war crimes of Israel.

A delegation of Palestine supporters met with Baldwin's staff before the rally. Representatives of Students for Justice in Palestine, Friends of Palestine and Palestine Solidarity Coalition all asked the Senator to take a stand against U.S. funding for Israeli war crimes. The coalition plans to meet with more congress members in the coming days.

#MilwaukeeWI #AntiwarMovement #Gaza #Palestine #Israel #Wisconsin #EmergencyAction #SenatorBalwin #MiddleEast

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