Fight Back! News

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Milwaukee protests proposed anti-worker ‘right to work’ law

By staff

Milwaukee protest against 'right to work' legislation.

Milwaukee, WI – More than 300 union members and their supporters took to the streets here, Feb. 23, to protest an attempt by Republicans to push through ‘right to work’ legislation in the Wisconsin legislature.

The protest was sponsored by Defeat RTW in WI, AFSCME District Council 48, Occupy Milwaukee, Voces de la Frontera, Youth Empowered in the Struggle, Progressive Students of Milwaukee, Wisconsin Bail Out The People Movement, Greater Milwaukee Green Party, Bring Back the Fight, Fight Back! news, AFSCME 82 and Wisconsin Jobs Now.

#MilwaukeeWI #PeoplesStruggles #GovernorScottWalker #Wisconsin #rightToWork