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Milwaukee Alliance hosts rally to focus the county budget on community, not cops

By Paris Miller

Milwaukee County Supervisor Ryan Clancy speaks during the rally to defund the sh

Milwaukee, WI – On the afternoon of November 6, the Milwaukee Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression (MAARPR) held a rally at Red Arrow Park in downtown Milwaukee. This rally was in protest of the current county budget proposal, which the County Board of Supervisors will vote on the morning of November 8. The current proposal would increase the already bloated budget of the Milwaukee County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO) by 6%. MAARPR’s canvassing efforts over the past six months have revealed that working-class Black and brown people in Milwaukee do not want this budgetary increase.

In addition to protesting against the current budget proposal, this rally was also held in support of Supervisor Ryan Clancy’s amendments to the budget. Instead of giving more money to the MCSO, Clancy is fighting to divest money from them and put it towards areas that will help communities such as parks, mental health services and better job opportunities.

“People from the community, its organizations, individuals, are demanding a divestment from policing and towards the things that we know makes us better,” said Supervisor Clancy during his speech for the event.

The Milwaukee Alliance hopes that with the vote being held Monday morning and the culmination of almost a year's worth of work, the politicians will actually listen to the people and adopt Supervisor Clancy’s proposed amendments. Milwaukee needs resources for the community, not the cops.

#MilwaukeeWI #PeoplesStruggles #PoliceBrutality #MilwaukeeAllianceAgainstRacistAndPoliticalRepression

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