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Louisianans shut down downtown New Orleans for Palestine

By staff

Crowd marches behind banner that says "Victory to Palestinian Resistance?"

New Orleans, LA – On December 10, several thousand protesters took to the streets in downtown New Orleans in support of Palestine. The march shut down several busy intersections around the city's central business district.

The march was set to start at 4 p.m., but several hundred had gathered at the head of Canal Street nearly a half an hour earlier.

The event drew participants from over 25 organizations and all across the state, who all marched in a massive formation that blocked off several blocks at a time. Community members proudly waved Palestinian flags on the street and from trucks leading and tailing the march. Protesters held signs reading “End U.S. aid to Israel” and “Biden, we charge you with genocide!”

Several speakers led chants from a truck trailer at the front of the long march. Drummers lined the sides of the march, keeping time with the chants and raising the energy. Shouts of “Biden, Biden what do you say? How many kids did you kill today?” and “From Palestine to New Orleans, stop the U.S. war machine!” drowned out the noise of cars and a few straggling hecklers.

About halfway through the march, the procession stopped to give space and lead a prayer in the street. After this, various religious figures gave comments in solidarity with Palestine.

Later, Christine Farah of the newly-formed NOSHIP (New Orleans Stop Helping Israel’s Port) also drew attention to how New Orleans and Louisiana are specifically aiding the occupation. She pointed to how the Port of New Orleans continues to participate in its “Innovation Embassy” program, which trades goods and technology between New Orleans and ports in Israeli-occupied Palestine. 

“Our tax dollars go to Israel where they can have free healthcare, and student debt forgiveness, but we can't have that here? How do we feel about that?” Farah asked the crowd, which responded resoundingly with “Shame!”

The immense dedication and discipline of the demonstrators sent a resounding message – that the people will continue to shut it down, whether it be the streets here in downtown New Orleans, or elsewhere in the state or country, until the U.S. stops bankrolling the genocide in Gaza and the Palestinian people are liberated.

 #NewOrleansLA #FreePalestine #NOSHIP

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