Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Labor supports Milwaukee meteorologist fired for anti-Nazi post

By staff

Fight Back New Service is circulating the following statement from the Young Workers Committee of the Milwaukee Area Labor council.

Meteorologist Sam Kuffel was fired by CBS 58 on Wednesday (January 22) for posting a criticism of Elon Musk's nazi salute on her private social media. The Young Workers Committee of the Milwaukee Area Labor Council stands with Sam Kuffel and demands her reinstatement with back pay.

Further, we condemn the use of discipline by employers to chill free speech of employees, in particular speech opposing white supremacist and fascist ideology.

We encourage all workers to join or organize a union to protect themselves from unjust discipline, and to help build an alternative to Trump and Musk's racist and anti-worker agenda. If you are interested in organizing your workplace or finding a union job, please reach out to us.

Young Workers Committee

Milwaukee Area Labor Council

#MilwaukeeMN #LaborPower #YoungWorkersCommittee #YWC #MALC #YWCMALC