House of Horrors scares students into action
Students learn all about tuition hikes Students learn all about tuition hikes and how activism can help them fight for a more fair system, with access to higher education for all. (Fight Back! News/Skye Schmelzer)
Gainesville, FL – Students at the University of Florida (UF) got a real taste of fear this past week when members of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) hosted the “Tuition Hikes House of Horrors.” SDS created a walk in haunted house filled with information about the scary 15% tuition hikes the University of Florida administrators are imposing.
Detailing the University president's $1.2 million salary and the state's plans to increase tuition by 7-8% each year for the next decade, participants were introduced to SDS's Student Budget Proposal. The student proposal emphasizes using the University's billion-dollar emergency endowment fund and demands that UF “chop from the top,” instead of shifting the crisis onto the students and faculty of the university.
Dave Schneider of Gainesville SDS said, “It's important that students not only become aware of the horrifying facts about tuition hikes, but that they take an active role in opposing the administration's plans to commercialize our education. If they had their way, UF wouldn't be a place of learning anymore – it'd be a degree mill and an easy big paycheck for the administration and their cronies.”
#GainesvilleFL #StudentsForADemocraticSocietySDS #UniversityOfFloridaUF #tuitionHikes #GainesvilleSDS
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