Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Greek general strike set for Feb. 4

By All-Workers Militant Front (PAME)

Greek workers march in December, 2015 general strike.

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following call from the All-Workers Militant Front (PAME) for a general strike by Greek workers Feb. 4.

National – General Strike on February 4

Demonstrations All Over Greece On January 23

The Butcher-Bill on Social Security to be Withdrawn!

We Demand Public Social Security For All

The SYRIZA Government after it extended and imposed all anti workers’ laws, which were legislated by the previous Governments and destroyed Collective Contracts, after it imposed flexible working conditions, starvation wages, abolished workers’ rights in Healthcare, now comes to give the final blow to whatever rights are left on Social Security! Whatever rights the people managed to preserve through hard struggles, during the last years, the SYRIZA Government wants to cancel them, thus realizing the demands of the big capitalists.

NOW Strike Response Everywhere! In Every Industry-Every Branch! At every workplace, school, university, neighborhood! We Organise and Escalate our Action aiming to:

Block The Butcher-Bill on Social Security!

Participation in the Strike, in the Demonstrations will affect the result of the Struggle!

Social Security means “cost” for the capitalists and the state! But for us, social security is our basic right! It is our life and it protects our families!

Justice For Us Is Life With Dignity!

To Live Humane In The 21st Century And Not In Wretchedness!

We Must Receive The Wealth We Produce!

Hope is not A Slogan! Hope lies in the Struggle against the policy of the Government and the EU in favor of the profits of the monopolies.

Hope lies in the path of rupture, of overthrowing the political and financial dominance of the monopolies. Hope lies in the path that will satisfy people’s needs!

Till today, hundreds of trade union organizations have been campaigning, calling for Strike Action, rallying with PAME in a series of actions and activities to prepare the workers’ response.

All In the Strike! – We strengthen the Struggle! We Organize!

National – General Strike on February 4

Demonstrations All Over Greece On January 23

January 2016

#Greece #Labor #PeoplesStruggles #austerity #Syriza #AllWorkersMilitantFront #Europe

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