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Gainesville protests FBI/L.A. Sheriff repression against Carlos Montes

By staff

Protest in Gainsville, FL in solidarity with Carlos Montes.

Gainesville, FL – A dozen protesters gathered here, June 16, to speak out against the political repression of Carlos Montes, a longtime immigrant and Chicano rights activist. The rally was put on by the Gainesville Committee to Stop FBI Repression and took place in front of the local FBI office. Carlos Montes’ home was raided by Los Angeles sheriffs and the FBI on May 17 and he is facing trumped up charges. The raid on his home is linked to the raids on other anti-war and international solidarity activists that started on Sept. 24, 2010.

Participants held signs in front of the local FBI office and chanted, “From Colombia to Palestine, solidarity is not a crime.” Several FBI agents were present taking pictures of the protest and several Homeland Security cars drove by in an attempt to intimidate the activists. Members of Gainesville Students for a Democratic Society and Vets for Peace attended the rally.

This action was part of a larger National Day of Action held across the country to support those targeted by the FBI for their involvement in the anti-war and international solidarity movements. To date, 24 activists from Chicago to California to North Carolina have been harassed by the FBI, and many have been subpoenaed to appear before a grand jury. The Gainesville protest demanded an end to the grand jury investigations and for the government to return all the materials seized by the FBI.

#GainesvilleFL #InJusticeSystem #ChicanoLatino #RacismInTheCriminalJusticeSystem #CarlosMontes #September24FBIRaids #CommitteeToStopFBIRepression

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