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FRSO greets the Communist Party of the Philippines on 52nd anniversary

By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

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Fight Back News Service is circulating the following message of Freedom Road Socialist Organization to the Communist Party of the Philippines.

Dear Comrades,

On the occasion of the 52nd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of the Philippines, Freedom Road Socialist Organization sends its warmest greetings and salutes your many accomplishments. Your persistence in leading the people’s national democratic revolution with a socialist orientation, that aims to lift the burdens imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat capitalism from the backs of the Filipino people, is an inspiration to all who yearn for a better world.

FRSO stands in solidarity with your efforts. Your progress in building the New People’s Army, expanding the size and scope of the people’s war, as well as growing the urban mass movements are welcome developments.

On this important occasion, we note our sorrow at the passing of the outstanding communist Ka Fidel V. Agcaoili, who made so many contributions to the revolutionary movement in the Philippines and the international communist movement.

We condemn the cowardly acts of repression carried out by the gangster regime of Duterte, and its imperialist backers. And we demand that the U.S. get out of the Philippines.

Internationally, the system of monopoly capitalism finds itself beset by a massive economic crisis, the likes of which has not been seen since the 1930s. Not only have the rich and powerful failed to address the pandemic in meaningful way, capitalism, with its profit-driven health care system, is responsible for the deaths hundreds of thousands of working people. As Lenin pointed out, imperialism is a stage of moribund, dying capitalism. The decline of U.S. imperialism is accelerating, and around the globe the revolutionary movement is growing in strength.

The people of the Philippines and people of the United States share a common enemy. We wish you every success in the year ahead, and we look forward to building on the militant friendship that exists between our organizations. For working and oppressed people, the future is bright.

Long live the Communist Party of the Philippines!

Long live the unity between the people of the Philippines and the people of the U.S.!

Together we will win!

With communist greetings,

Freedom Road Socialist Organization

#UnitedStates #Philippines #Asia #PeoplesStruggles #CommunistPartyOfThePhilippines

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