Fight Back! News

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Freedom Road Socialist Organization at U.S. Social Forum

By staff

FRSO table at the U.S. Social Forum. FRSO table at the U.S. Social Forum. FRSO table at the U.S. Social Forum in Detroit, Michigan. (Fight Back! News/Staff)

Detroit, MI – Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) has an exciting presence here at the U.S. Social Forum (USSF). FRSO members from around the country have helped to organize and are participating in workshops. In Cobo Hall, Freedom Road has tables of revolutionary literature, clothing and merchandise.

Stephanie Weiner, who organized the table, says, “We got to have many great conversations in front of the table about what kind of political work people are doing.”

Steff Yorek, political secretary of FRSO remarked, “It’s great to be here at the USSF with so many activists in the social movements, progressives and revolutionaries. It means real opportunities to learn from one another.”

Yorek will be speaking at the workshop “Talkin’ Bout a Revolution” Friday June 25 1:00 pm in Cobo D3-26. Join the discussion with the Los Angeles Labor Community Strategy Center and the Freedom Road Socialist Organization about building social movements and the need for revolution in the U.S.

#DetroitMI #USSocialForumUSSF #FreedomRoadSocialistOrganizationFRSO #LaborCommunityStrategyCenter

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