Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Freedom now for PFLP leader Ahmad Sa’adat

By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Palestinian child holding poster of Ahmad Sa'adat.

It’s time to step up the struggle to free Ahmad Sa’adat, a noted Palestinian political prisoner and General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). Sa’adat, who has been imprisoned for nearly 20 years, first by the corrupt and occupation-complicit Palestinian Authority, and now by the Israelis, has come to symbolize the resistance of the Palestinian people. He is a brilliant Marxist and advocate for socialism, who stands for liberation of every inch of Palestine. Sa’adat’s courage in the face of the Israel’s brutality shines as an example to everyone who yearns for a just world.

Today, there are nearly 6000 Palestinian prisoners locked in Zionist jails. Their ranks include men, women and children. They face torture and isolation and they have nothing wrong. It is not surprising that Ahmad Sa’adat has emerged as one of the key leaders of Palestinian’s behind bars.

The Israeli occupation of Palestine continues because of the backing it receives from U.S. The occupiers are rightfully hated throughout the Middle East. U.S. aid and military commitments function as Israel’s life-support system. It’s important to press the demand of “No U.S. Aid to Israel.”

Standing reality on its head, the U.S. government and its Israeli allies have tried to stick the ‘terrorist’ tag on Ahmad Sa’adat and the PFLP. Nothing could be further from the truth. Resistance to occupation and injustice is not terrorism; it’s the right of the oppressed and a necessity for liberation.

In an interview with Fight Back!, Ahmad Sa’adat correctly stated, “The American globalization of war established the conditions for its antithesis – globalizing the popular struggle.” All of us need to contribute to this globalized struggle for the emancipation of the exploited and oppressed.

The Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network and Campaign to Free Ahmad Sa’adat have called for an International Week of Actions for the Freedom of Ahmad Sa’adat this January 15-22. We urge all anti-war and international solidary activists to do what they can to support this effort.

As long as it continues to exist, Israel will be a prison for the Palestinian people. But the day of liberation is coming, and we can help bring it closer.

Freedom for Ahmad Sa’adat!

End All U.S. Aid to Israel!

Free Palestine – From the River to the Sea!

#Palestine #AntiwarMovement #PopularFrontForTheLiberationOfPalestine #AhmadSaadat #SamidounPalestinianPrisonerSolidarityNetworkAndCampaignToFreeAhmadSaadat #InternationalWeekOfActionsForTheFreedomOfAhmadSaadat

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