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Florida Gaza supporters show solidarity with the people of Ferguson

By Didier Ortiz

Miami action shows support for the people of Gaza and Ferguson, MO

Miami, FL – Human rights advocates showed their support for the people of Gaza and Ferguson Missouri, Aug. 16. About 20 activists made their presence known at downtown Miami’s Torch of Friendship. The fact that a last minute action could pull 20 activists together in the middle of a rainstorm displayed the South Florida’s growing conscience when it comes to the issue of Israeli apartheid. Among the groups represented were members from Jewish Voice for Peace in South Florida, Occupy Miami, Students for Justice in Palestine and the Green Party of Miami-Dade & Broward Counties.

The activists caught the attention of many tourists and working class people in Miami. Taxi drivers would regularly go by and honk their horns in support of the action. At one point, a cab driver stopped to shout expressions of support with great exuberance. His passenger stared at him and at crowd in disbelief. The last month has served to change the perspective of many workers who for too long had either been deceived by the Zionist public relations machine or had begrudgingly held their tongues.

The revelation that the Ferguson Police Department received training on ‘Counter-Terrorism’ from Israel’s police might have shocked some, but not those who follow Israel’s historical exportation of state-sponsored terrorism. Israel’s support for South Africa apartheid and the systematic oppression of African immigrants is part of Israel’s repertoire of repression.

The human rights activist took the opportunity to make connections between Gaza and Ferguson. Their sign expressed solidarity with and encouragement to those fighting racist discrimination in Missouri.

#MiamiFL #AntiwarMovement #InJusticeSystem #Gaza #Palestine #AfricanAmerican #PoliceBrutality #RacismInTheCriminalJusticeSystem #Antiracism #Ferguson #MikeBrown

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