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News and Views from the People's Struggle

Egyptian Communist Party: Long live the struggle of the Egyptian people

By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Egyptian Communist Party:

Egyptian Communist Party: Morsi's speech hammers the last nail in the coffin of his regime and his group

The recent speech of (President) Morsi came shortly before the expiration of the forty-eight hours ultimatum indicating the size of disregard and lack of respect, if not hostility, of this man and his group towards all classes and sects of the Egyptian people who massively took to the streets in the thirtieth of June, unanimously in an unprecedented popular rising with unrivaled numbers. He set aside the Egyptians' hope for a peaceful and smooth transition of power as demanded by these masses in by far the biggest revolution of human history, as witnessed by all observers and analysts.

He refused to respond to any of the demands of these masses and decided to hold fast to power and even being ready to die for power.

Perhaps, the word much repeated in this inauspicious speech was “LEGITIMACY” (198 times), but no one knows which meaning of legitimacy he meant!!

Does it mean that his being free to destroy the country's economy, cracking down on its institutions, detracting its sovereignty and sabotaging its national unity?

Does it mean he stays roosting on the heart of the homeland, although he was completely rejected?

The source of legitimacy is the people; all institutions of the state derive their legitimacy from the will of this people. It was clear the size and extant of its strength. In addition, this popular will, which is the essence of democracy and source of any legitimacy, only asked for an absolutely true democratic constitutional demand, i.e., holding early presidential elections, a tradition well known in all democratic experiences.

This speech, in fact, was not directed to the Egyptian people, as they are no longer a concern of his. It was directed to his people and family of terrorists and their supporters to push them into more bloodshed of Egyptians, depending on what he thought of their numerical power and old terrorist expertise.

As for his being supported by the U.S. or any other foreign powers for his existence – stressing his betrayal and infidelity of his country – he was disappointed because no one could ever stand in the face of the people, no matter what strength he might have. This people would never accept a ruler who rejects them no matter who stood behind him and supported him. No one in the world can accept to deal with a ruler rejected by his own people, regardless of his importance.

We hold Morsi and his group responsible for any violence and any Egyptian blood shed or would be shed and reaffirm that they will pay dearly thereof. This blood shall increase Egyptians' insistence to continue revolution till they get rid of them.

Therefore, our party calls the hero masses of the Egyptian people to continue demonstrations in streets and squares, and immediately start comprehensive disobedience, besieging all centers of government including ministries, bureaus of governorates, councils of cities and municipalities etc. as this is the only way to eliminate all maneuvers and compromises that can empty the popular revolution of its content.

Long live the struggle of the Egyptian people!!!

Long live the Revolution!!!

Death to terrorists, enemies of the people, enemies of life!!!

The Egyptian Communist Party Wednesday morning, 03.07.2013

#Egypt #Morsi #ArabSpring #MiddleEast

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