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Cuban workers mark Lenin’s 150th birthday, May Day plans announced

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According to April 23 report in Granma, “On Havana's Lenin Hill, a small group of trade union leaders, headed by Ulises Guilarte de Nacimiento, Party Political Bureau member and general secretary of the Cuban Workers Federation (CTC), dedicated a floral tribute to the legendary Bolshevik, who played a key role in the Russian Revolution, the greatest lesson in the annals of history of what the emancipated working class can achieve in unity of thought and action, guided by socialist principles.”

The newspaper of the Communist Party of Cuba also reported on the plans for this year’s traditionally massive May Day celebrations, “Consistent with the date and the legacy of Lenin, the CTC, in the voice of its Secretary General, reported the decision to celebrate International Workers' Day within Cuban homes, adhering to health measures adopted to combat the dangerous COVID-19 pandemic.”

The report said “Under the banner of ‘For Cuba, United we will win,’ May Day celebrations will not include the traditional marches and demonstrations throughout the country, but will take place inside homes, ‘So that, in the company of our families, we can incorporate all the potential that social media and information technologies offer today, and celebrate the date as it deserves,’ Guilarte stated.”

#Cuba #MayDay #Lenin #Celebration #Americas

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